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Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Feb 16th Class Reflection

Today in class we discussed all of our Science in the News articles that we researched. I thought this was very interesting because sharing these different articles allowed us to hear about the different current science topics that are occurring around the world.
One of the articles I thought was really interesting was the "Frog-fish" article. This article discussed a fish found off the coast of Indonesia that could not only swim but walk and jump as well. This fish has been named the "Psychedelic" fish. I thought this was really interesting.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Nature ovservation

When observing the moon last night for the moon phase log I couldn't help but notice how clear the sky was. The stars were amazing and Orion's belt looked like it was going to come out of the sky. Because I was so amazed by it I wanted to do a little bit more research on it. I found some interesting information that I didn't know about:

The tight linear grouping of the prominent white stars Alnitak, Alnilam, and Mintaka in the constellation of Orion.

The names of all three stars refer to the set: the outer two are named after the "belt" of the Arabs' "Central One" (a mysterious female figure), while Alnilam comes from an Arabic word that aptly means "the string of pearls."

The proximity of the three stars in the sky is an illusion. In fact, the stars at either end of the Belt, Alnitak and Mintaka, are the closest together in space, Alnitak being a little over 800 light-years away, and Mintaka 100 light-years farther off. The central star, Alnilam, is much more distant than either of these, lying on the edge of the
Orion Molecular Cloud, more than 1,300 light-years from the Sun. Alnilam is also easily the most massive and luminous of the three stars, so that despite its greater distance it still shines more brightly than its two companions.

Orion's Belt

This information was really interesting to me because it was science that I didn't know about and thought it would be interesting to share.

Thursday, February 10, 2011


In our last class Feb. 7, 2011 we participated in a balloon activity. Other than the fact that we all read the chapter and knew what was going to happen in the experiment I feel that this is a great science experiment to conduct with older students. Kids love to be engaged in the activities and especially when there are balloons involved. It was a great way to show students that things like the Magic Blue solution had a different reaction to the balloon and the pin. To me this activity wouldn't work for young students because of the use of the pins. But to demonstrate it and students make predictions would work.